Wednesday, January 27, 2021

15mm Scatter Terrain

Scatter terrain is a very important part  in any game. As I see it, it's a great immersion factor. If you are not going to have a table that makes at least a bit of sense geographically or that it appears to be a little bit lived in, then why bother having beautifully painted miniatures? If the terrain is going to be all 2D then you might as well use abstracted pieces for units, like TEG or Risk.

At the end of last year I set myself the goal of not starting any big project, like a new building or platoon, until I had finished a selection of scatter terrain that had been in the to do list for a while. I achieved my objective some time before years end, but it took some time for me to post the finished results.

With no particular order, here are some 3D printed Dog houses. They where originally designed for HO scale, but I scaled them down a bit.

Little details like cloth lines can give a lot of colour to yards or backyards of individual buildings. These two where scratch built. The bases are ice cream sticks, the posts are cocktail sticks, and the actual clothes are tissue paper with PVA. I'm quite proud of that tablecloth with squares!

During WWII it was quite common to have an outhouse in your backyard, specially in rural areas. The two from the left are 3D printed, and the other one was scratch built. As a curiosity, in France's big cities, it was common to find Pissoirs, quite exposed public urinals. Looks like a great piece to have, but my terrain is more aimed to a rural area...

A little place to store firewood. Scratch built with sticks and tongue depresors with a wood pattern etched on the sides. The actual firewood is just tiny sticks cut to size. It's designed to against a building.

These benches where designed to go against buildings too. 3D printed, where "designed" by me mixing together some files found on Thingiverse and reduced to fit a 1/100 or 15mm scale

More objects to rest against buildings, this time it's barrels. Same technique es before, just shrinked 28mm barrels from Thingiverse.

Piles of firewood. Scratch built with matches cut to size and shape. The scale is a bit big for 1/100 but I I'm happy with the general effect. These are also built to be put against buildings.

Some objects for a farm or rural property. An old stone mill, probably not used anymore. I tried to leave a circle without grass where the guy operating it would stomp it. There is also a covered well with a water pump and a little metal bucket. Not sure how common these where in France. The handle of the pump broke and I didn't know how to fix it, so I leave it like that. Everything is 3D printed.

I always wanted to have some animals in my table. These are 3D printed sheep from a much bigger file, I made the mistake of only shrink them and not modify them, so the legs are extremely fragile. Something to keep in mind for Sheep 2.0. They have also lost a lot of detail in the wool, I tried to pick up whatever detail was left with a drybrush but I'm not 100% happy with them.