Thursday, June 20, 2019

3D Printing Support

My opponent and I have decided to start playing 1940 using TooFatLardies Blitzkrieg 1940 booklet. I'm still working on my British infantry, they are really late war infantry but we are not too picky about that. I have settled for a 1940s Regulation Platoon because that gives me the most flexibility, if I need a 1939 Reg. Plt. I can just take out a couple of miniatures to fit the TO&E.

For support I decided to go with 3D printing. I test printed a Cruiser MkII A10 and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the quality. It's by no means perfect, but it's enough for me. I was amazed to find pretty much all the vehicles I needed, and then some more, on thingiverse. Right now the rest of my support options are being printed.

I was more amazed that I could not find some of the support options for the Germans, they are usually the most popular faction and people love all their toys.

At first I thought about using different colour camo for Infantry and Cruiser tanks, that was something I saw on a Flames of War tutorial, but I don't have the necessary colours so I settled for the same scheme for every tank.