Sunday, July 21, 2019

British Early War Platoon

I am currently working on a British Early War Platoon for Chain of Command.
As I have mentioned before, my main force is composed of miniatures from Plastic Soldier Company, even though they are Late War, I'm not really bothered by it, and supplemented by some Peter Pig.

I'm aiming for a 1940 Regulation Platoon, that amount of figures will be enough to field a 1939 Regulation Platoon if I need to.

This is my progress so far.

1 x Platoon Lieutenant (Primed)
1 x Sergeant (Primed)
1 x 2" Mortar Team (2 men) (Being painted)
1 x Boys AT Rifle Team (2 men) (Assembled)

1st, 2nd & 3rd Squads
3 x Squad Leader W/Rifle (Being Painted)
3 x Bren Team (9 men) (1 team ready, other 2 being painted)
3 x Rifle Team (21 men) (13 Ready, 5 being painted, 3 primed)

The current batch of minis on the painting station.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Head surgery

I purchased some figure kits from Peter Pig to enhance my British Early War platoon. Among them a 3" mortar pack that I didn't really needed, but the figures might be repurposed for something else. For example, there was a nice folk with a knee on the ground and binoculars that I have already earmarked to be a spotter.

But what I did needed was a Lieutenant and Platoon Sergeant and a Boys Team, all those where really useful, except that the scale was not exactly right with the rest of my miniatures from Plastic Soldier Company. You might not notice it in the first picture, but the difference in the figures is quite noticeable, specially the small helmets.

I decided that with the right heads, the difference would not be so noticeable, so I went in and did some head surgery to the Lieutenant and Platoon Sergeant.

An original Lieutenant, a PSC rifleman and the modified Lieutenant.
The Platoon Sergeant and Lieutenant among some PSC soldiers.
Both figures turned out pretty good, and even if they seem that the head is a little big in the pictures, when viewed from the angle you would see them if you are playing, they look alright. 

Now I have to base to do all the process of basing and priming and eventually finish my platoon that hasn't really advanced much since my last post.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

3D Printing Support

My opponent and I have decided to start playing 1940 using TooFatLardies Blitzkrieg 1940 booklet. I'm still working on my British infantry, they are really late war infantry but we are not too picky about that. I have settled for a 1940s Regulation Platoon because that gives me the most flexibility, if I need a 1939 Reg. Plt. I can just take out a couple of miniatures to fit the TO&E.

For support I decided to go with 3D printing. I test printed a Cruiser MkII A10 and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the quality. It's by no means perfect, but it's enough for me. I was amazed to find pretty much all the vehicles I needed, and then some more, on thingiverse. Right now the rest of my support options are being printed.

I was more amazed that I could not find some of the support options for the Germans, they are usually the most popular faction and people love all their toys.

At first I thought about using different colour camo for Infantry and Cruiser tanks, that was something I saw on a Flames of War tutorial, but I don't have the necessary colours so I settled for the same scheme for every tank.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Starting in the world of wargaming.

Hello and welcome to the blog. I have always felt the need to put my thoughts into paper, or virtual paper in this case. Not that I am a great writer, mind you. But here I am, to talk about my hobby experience.

I'm a wargaming newby and I'm trying to get some people interested in the Chain of Command ruleset to play some games in my country. For this purpose I decided to buy a Late War British and German Company from Plastic Soldier Company, thinking that it will be easier to interest people if I have everything needed.
At the time I didn't realize they had redesigned the British Company and it's a bit different from the older style German one. Not a major problem, but I could have bought the German Grenadiers that are apparently redesigned sculpts as well.

I'm new to this and a fairly slow painter so after a couple of weeks I only have a British squad done. I choose to use white primer for the Brits at the beginning but I'm thinking that maybe grey primer might work better.

I'm outside the city while writing this blog entry, and won't have hobby time until next weekend at least, but second squad was left at the workbench pretty much all cleaned and ready for priming so I hope to have that ready soon.